Gubat High School Batch 82, 1978 -1982

As time passes, new experiences create new chapters to our personal history and they'll start to play an increasing role in our future. But there'll still be moments especially when we may need it the most, we'll come back to our time in Gubat High School to gather strength to push forward. Because we need to know where we are, we only have to look at where we came from. Remember, there's nothing sweeter than success due to hard work.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Sa mga batch 82 mao tabi ini an assignment nato to beautify this stage for the coming June 10 2007 Grand Alumni Homecoming kaya pino post ko ini na picture para may idea kita entero kun nano an hihimoon ta na design specialy dun sa mga artistic nato na mga batchmates, maki tabi man mag irisipisip na kta kun na an magayon na decorations na gagamiton nato para maprepare nato atab.... paping rocha


At Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:07:00 PM, Blogger ghsbatch82 said...

dianison ini na naideya mo Paping.... para maka preparar kirita sa maabot nato na kaogmahan... kun pwede paki hatag man tabi an sukol sini na "stage" kun nano tabi "height and length" sini..


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